2011年5月30日 星期一

liebe.hsing drawings--2

Recently there are a few people asking of shoe design process and more details, therefore I have decided to uploaded part of my drawings for those who is interested in this field. My drawings are obviously neither professional nor artist one as Manolo Blahnik, they do facilitate me at previewing whole collection and color combination. Meanwhile, it provides shoemakers a rough look how the proportion should be and the stitching details will tell the production process. So have you noticed those notes written in blank? Those are rather prompt notices from the discussion with shoemakers.
很清楚自己不是專業的畫家最近常常被問到整個工作流程,即使清楚自己不是專業的畫家也無法產出如Manono Blahnik一般的藝術作,仍決定把拙作放上去,讓一些有興趣知道我工作內容的朋友明白這是過程之一,即使畫的不完美,但還是有幫助
你有看到嗎?有一些鉛筆淡淡的筆跡,有些是討論時速寫下來的. 這個過程是有趣的,可惜每日產量不高~

